Page 58 - EINF2022
P. 58
Environmental Emergency
At TWG, we have identified the environmental
emergency situations that could potentially occur in
our organisation, with the aim of having the capacity
to respond appropriately to accidental scenarios
of this nature. In this regard, our Environmental
Management System has developed a procedure
to identify and respond to possible accidents and
emergency situations of an environmental nature,
as well as to prevent and reduce the environmental 7.9.
issues that may arise. Within the framework of the
environmental management system implemented and Environmental Management
certified under the international ISO 14001 standard, 7.8. Improvement Initiatives and
we have established a protocol for preparation and Environmental fines and
response to environmental emergencies that have Training
been typified within the framework of this procedure. penalties
We also have an environmental liability insurance
policy in order to guarantee the availability of During the course of 2022, we have made various
financial resources to cover the repair of potential In the 2022 financial year, there were no investments as part of our continuous improvement in
damage in this area. environmental complaints of any kind from environmental indicators, which are described below.
stakeholders. Similarly, TWG has not paid any We believe that training is part of this improvement
However, during the reporting year, no situations of fines and/or penalties related to environmental or and therefore the information is included in this
this type have occurred at any of TWG’s facilities. ecological issues. section. See these at the end of this section.
Non-Financial Information Statement — 2022 TWGroup 58