Page 46 - EINF2022
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          5.4.                                                                         5.5.
          Equal opportunities, diversity and inclusion                                 Work-life balance and organisation of work

          Non-discrimination and equal opportunities are not only part of our culture, but   Our working week is 40 hours and we are working on the development of a
          are also included as a premise in our Code of Conduct, which expressly prohibits   specific policy of disconnection from work, although in practice we promote
          discrimination of any kind and contains a Protocol for Sexual Harassment in   different actions to improve the balance between personal life and work
          whose sections all conduct that is not permitted in our company is detailed. On   responsibilities.
          the principle of equal opportunities for all, we promote the principle of non-
          discrimination on the basis of race, gender, ideology, nationality, language,   The organisation of work, as well as rest periods, holidays and leave, is governed
          religion, sexual orientation or any other personal or social condition of its   by the criteria of legality, production and the reconciliation of family, social
          employees.                                                                   and working life, which is why we are governed by the collective bargaining
                                                                                       agreement. The distribution of holidays is carried out by the department heads,
          The principle of whistleblower protection is also included and both our Handbook   under the supervision and control of the Human Resources department, which
          and our Welcome Plan contain established procedures for reporting any such   ensures the correct application of these.
                                                                                       Beyond what is established by the regulations, we have promoted among our
          Our commitment to equal opportunities is evident in all our procedures, both in   employees the co-responsible exercise of paternity leave, which is evidenced
          recruitment and in training and promotion. At TWL we currently have 3 Equality   by more than 41 employees and the promotion of flexible working hours. We
          Plans, 2 of which have been duly registered and are in the process of being   promote digital disconnection with automatic messages in all mailboxes as well
          amended and 1 of which is currently under negotiation. We promote equality   as the disconnection of mobile phones, the due process of which is set out in
          through a Training Plan developed in line with growth targets without gender   our Welcome Manual (TWL) and Handbook (TWA), which is handed out and
          issues and also through our sexual harassment procedures.                    signed by our employees.
          We promote diversity in our Workforce and it is clearly demonstrated by the   5.6.
          fact that our employees are from more than 15 different nationalities. We have
          even established an alliance with the Carmen Pardo-Valcarce Foundation in    Compensation and Benefits                    8
          Madrid since 2019, which is still in force, to promote the employment of people
          with disabilities. This agreement has enabled us to include a person with a
          disability in our workforce.                                                 We offer a fair level of remuneration that is appropriate to the labour market in
                                                                                       which we operate. With the introduction of our new SAGEx3 and SAP systems in
          In addition to these provisions, which frame our actions in favour of diversity and
          equality with the full commitment of our Management, both in recruitment and in   2022, we will continue to work on a remuneration and salary matrix in 2023.
          training and promotion, our communication uses non-sexist language.          Our workforce is determined by positions defined by their corresponding
                                                                                       responsibilities and goals.
          We provide adaptations for people with motor disabilities. Our buildings and
          offices have parking ramps, stair lifts and adapted toilets, showing that we have a   Working practices are a material issue at TWG and therefore we have set
          strong commitment to inclusion.                                              ourselves specific targets which have been described in our risk matrix and
                                                                                       which are, among others, to increase training. This is because we believe it is
          During 2022, we have not recorded any reported incidents of discrimination,
          harassment or retaliation.                                                   essential for decreasing turnover and increasing retention. In addition, with the
                                                                                       recent introduction of new accounting systems, we will have an in-depth analysis
                                                                                       of salary ranges in order to reduce the pay gap.

          8  We do not include remuneration tables for the 2022 period as we are currently working on the corresponding matrix   Non-Financial Information Statement — 2022 TWGroup  46
          together with an exhaustive analysis by Category. The above-mentioned tables and the corresponding analysis will be
          included in the 2023 NFIS.
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