Page 35 - EINF2022
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Due Diligence Management Procedures -
United Nations Global Compact
UN Global Compact Principle Risk TWG Management
Support and respect the
protection of internationally
recognised fundamental human We comply with and monitor compliance with our Code of Conduct. We collaborate with temporary employment
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rights within its sphere of agencies to comply with this principle at all stages prior to the incorporation of our Human Resources.
influence. Not to be complicit in
human rights abuses.
Support freedom of association
3 and the effective recognition of We do not interfere in the election or administration of legal representation of our employees. We encourage social
dialogue based on transparency and collaboration.
the right to collective bargaining.
Support the elimination of all We have procedures in place to ensure the elimination of forced and compulsory labour. Our employment contracts are
4 forms of forced and compulsory in accordance with national and sectoral regulations. We do not make loans to staff or directly or indirectly charge for
labour. hiring or maintaining jobs. We do not retain documents or personal effects. (TWG Code of Conduct).
Support the elimination of child We do not employ staff under the age of 18 as we check the documents prior to recruitment. Both our Welcome Plan
labour point 8.1 (TWL) and our Handbook (TWA) expressly state this.
We have specific procedures (Code of Conduct, Welcome Handbook (TWL) and Handbook (TWA) for the prevention
Support the abolition of
6 discriminatory practices in and response to sexual and/or gender-based harassment not only for the protection and response to our staff but to all
those who interact with TWG as customers, suppliers or visitors. We promote equality and inclusion through the inclusion
employment and occupation.
of women on the Board of Directors and the creation of Committees to ensure compliance with this principle.
Maintain a precautionary
7 approach that favours the We have ISO 14001 certifications that allow us to identify potential risks and apply preventive measures to reduce as far
as possible the probability of occurrence or to repair any damage that may be caused.
Encourage initiatives that
8 promote greater environmental Environment We communicate our good environmental practices through our website and the different periodic communications with
our stakeholders.
Encourage the development and
9 dissemination of environmentally Innovating in value through the creation of projects that favour and improve environmental impact (see Environment
section) and through coordination with NGOs (Academies and Associations) (see Sustainable Development section).
friendly technologies.
Work against corruption in all its We enforce our Code of Conduct and have prepared a criminal risk matrix to further elaborate on these issues and
10 forms, including extortion and Human analyse them on a regular basis. We have decided to set up a Sustainability Committee and a Regulatory Compliance
bribery. Committee to implement continuous improvements in this area.