Business Excellence Award 2021
CEOE-CEPYME Business Excellence Award 2021 for the greatest effort in corporate training for our Truck&Wheel Logistics facilities in Cabanillas.
Our hub in Cabanillas (Guadalajara-Spain) is strategic due to its location and extension. 75,500 m2 of facilities divided into 5 warehouses. In the Cabanillas facilities we offer specific services for the automotive, food, textile and chemical industries.
The event was attended by more than half a thousand people, who accompanied the entrepreneurs and award winners in 2020 and 2021, as last year, the in-person awards ceremony had to be reduced to individual presentations, without being able to hold a joint event due to the COVID. The awards ceremony was closed by María Soledad García, president of CEOE-CEPYME Guadalajara, who congratulated all the awarded companies.