GloriaPets opens the way to international expansion with TW Logistics as a strategic partner.
After more than 40 years managing its warehouses internally, GloriaPets has entrusted Truck&Wheel-TW Logistics to outsource this management. The Navarre-based company that designs and markets products for dogs and cats is in the midst of international expansion. The company is looking to reduce warehouse costs and gain flexibility depending on demand. To this end, our international culture, quality standards, capacity to develop customised IT and automation projects, as well as our proximity to the customer to provide continuous improvement solutions, have forged this new business relationship.
GloriaPets had more than 4,500 m2 of storage space in several warehouses. Now, everything will be managed from a single warehouse of 2,500 m2, 12 m high and with a capacity of 1,800 pallets of stock with some 5,000 picking references. Fully computerised management by means of a WMS.
The reception and storage of goods will be carried out, as well as the preparation and dispatch of orders.
TW Logistics‘ systems are highly integrated, working with digital devices and exact locations, minimising routes, prioritising products by rotation…
All this has led to an improvement in productivity thanks to the combination of the work system and the processes included in it, together with the characteristics of the facilities.
With outsourcing, GloriaPets has been able to centralise its warehouses, to be more agile both in the reception of goods and in the preparation of orders, which should be within 24 hours. They have gone from a segregated area of 12 warehouses with little height to a warehouse that allows them to have the whole project in an open and smaller area, due to the greater storage capacity in height.
This freeing up of space has allowed GloriaPets to dedicate some of its warehouses to different activities; to create a product development and innovation laboratory, another for leisure and sport for employees, a showroom and possibly another for a training and agility park.)
This new agreement is very important for TW Logistics‘ growth and expansion strategy, as it positions us in a new market – the pet market – with a strong customer.
The average annual growth of the pet market in Europe is 4.5% and in the U.S.A. it is 18%. If we add to this the fact that 38% of households in Europe have one or more pets and that TW Logistics is present in all GloriaPets‘ target countries, we understand that this makes us an ideal logistics partner and that we can accompany them in their international expansion strategy.