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          Article Act 11/2018  Information required by the Non-Financial Reporting Law               Link with GRI indicators      Section
                         Social relations
          44.6 -II-      Description of the organisation of social dialogue, including procedures for informing, consulting and negotiating with staff.  GRI 103-2  5.3
          44.6 -II-      Description of the balance of collective agreements, particularly in the field of health and safety at work.  GRI 403-4  5.3
          44.6 -II-      Percentage of employees covered by collective bargaining agreements per country  GRI 102-41               5.3
          44.6 -II-      Description of policies implemented in the field of training                GRI 103-2, GRI 404-2          5.1
          44.6 -II-      Total number of training hours per professional category                    GRI 404-1
                         Universal accessibility for people with disabilities
          44.6 -II-      Universal accessibility for people with disabilities                        GRI 103-2                     5.4
          44.6 -II-      Description of measures adopted to promote equal treatment and opportunities between men and women  GRI 103-2  5.4
                         Description of equality plans, measures adopted to promote employment, protocols against sexual and gender-based
          44.6 -II-                                                                                  GRI 103-2                     5.4
                         harassment, integration and universal accessibility of persons with disabilities.
          44.6 -II-      Description of policy against all types of discrimination and, where appropriate, diversity management  GRI 103-2  3.1 and 5.4
                         Respect for human rights
                         Main human rights risks affecting the organisation, explaining the procedures used to identify and assess them. Information
          44.6d          on the impacts that have been detected, providing a breakdown of these, in particular on the main risks in the short,   GRI 102-16,GRI 412-1,GRI 412-2,GRI 412-3  4.3, 4.6, 4.7 and 6
                         medium and long term.
                         Policies and commitments. due diligence procedures applied for the identification, assessment, prevention and mitigation
          44.6b - 44.6c  of significant risks and impacts and for verification and monitoring, including what measures have been taken. The results of   3.1
                         those policies including key performance indicators.
                         Human rights
                         Description of the implementation of human rights due diligence procedures; prevention of risks of human rights abuses
          44.6 -III-                                                                                 GRI 102-16, GRI 412-1, GRI 412-2, GRI 412-3  4.3, 4.4, 4.6, 4.7 and 6
                         and, where appropriate, measures to mitigate, manage and remedy potential abuses committed
          44.6 -III-     Complaints due to cases of abuse of human rights                            GRI 406-1                     6
                         Description of measures implemented to promote and enforce compliance with the provisions of core International Labour
                         Organisation conventions related to respect for freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining; the elimination
          44.6 -III-                                                                                 GRI 407-1, GRI 408-1, GRI 409-1  4,3 and 4.4 and 4.5, 5 and 6
                         of discrimination in respect of employment and occupation; the elimination of forced or compulsory labour; the effective
                         abolition of child labour.
                         Fight against corruption and bribery
                         Main corruption and bribery risks affecting the organisation, explaining the procedures used to detect and assess them.
          44.6d          Information on the impacts that have been detected, providing a breakdown of these, in particular on the main risks in the   GRI 102-15  3.3, 4.4, 4.5, 4.6 and 4.7
                         short, medium and long term.
                         Policies and commitments. due diligence procedures applied for the identification, assessment, prevention and mitigation
          44.6b - 44.6c  of significant risks and impacts and for verification and monitoring, including what measures have been taken. The results of   GRI 103-2  3.1, 3.3 and 4
                         those policies including key performance indicators.
                         Corruption and bribery
          44.6 -IV-      Measures taken to prevent corruption and bribery                            GRI 102-16, GRI 205-2, GRI 205-3  3.3
          44.6 -IV-      Measures to combat money laundering                                         GRI 102-16, GRI 205-2         3.3
          44.6 -IV-      Contributions to non-profit entities and foundations                        GRI 102-13, GRI 201-1, GRI 415-1  8.2

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