Logistics and innovation at the service of Smart Factory
APD Day / Leading the Transformation of Business Models /Thanks to the apd for inviting us to participate in this forum.
Currently, logistics companies are using almost all of the concepts associated with the Smart Factory, except perhaps the 3D printers, which are more closely linked to manufacturing.
- RFID, chips that activated transmit information.
- AGV, Automatic Guided Vehicle.
- QR codes, they allow an absolute traceability of products.
- Big Data, information to optimize stocks, calculates routes for trucks…
- New picking, a new hand-free process to prepare and handle shipment and orders; increasing production.
- 4 PL, a customer global service. The current trend in big corporations is to fully outsource the Logistics Department. The goal is to save costs and increase the responsibility of the logistic partner who will participate in the processes of the company.
- Augmented reality, we use tablets which enable us to verify all customer requirements and track, with a picture, in thousands of references a day.
- Drones, they very useful to streamline inventories, saving days in each action.
All of this, together with the increase of people in the cities, restrictions in gas emission, increase of electric vehicles (associated with the batteries business) as well as the collaborative transport, makes logistics an important place for the future. A scenario where autonomous vehicles, linked to artificial intelligence, will soon appear.
In this new scenario, there are 3 recommendations that we would like to share:
- Knowledge and self-talent Management
Believe in people and bet on them! - Humbleness and Adaptation
Promote the company-University Relations and listen to startups. Be aware that there are highly skilled people in microsegments that can add up to the know-how of the company, allowing it to make faster changes in the market. - Intelligent Integration
There is a lot of noise around the industry 4.0. Meet us with a concept: Value Innovation. The only goal of Innovation should always be contributing to added value to our clients.