TW Group news :

TW Logistics & TW Automotive

Recently, we welcomed the students from the Warehouse Operations course at our Pamplona headquarters—a training experience included in the Cruz Roja Española Employment Plan, with which we work closely. Turning Theory into Practice During this session, we delivered a dynamic presentation on our operations, designed to reveal the intricacies of our day-to-day work in the […]

TW Logistics promotes 100% electric transport for the distribution of spare parts at Volvo Car France dealerships in Paris. At TWLogistics and in collaboration with AG Transport and Volvo Trucks France, we are working for #zeroemissions in the center of Paris thanks to the Volvo FE Electric, a robust two-axle truck with a gross weight […]

After more than 40 years managing its warehouses internally, GloriaPets has entrusted Truck&Wheel-TW Logistics to outsource this management. The Navarre-based company that designs and markets products for dogs and cats is in the midst of international expansion. The company is looking to reduce warehouse costs and gain flexibility depending on demand. To this end, our […]

On Friday 24th March we were invited by the Government of Navarra to participate in the “III Navarra Industry Day” as one of the representative companies of the sector. A practical day where we talked about the importance of data science for the development of the industry; about design, engineering and advanced machinery; and about […]

CEOE-CEPYME Business Excellence Award 2021 for the greatest effort in corporate training for our Truck&Wheel Logistics facilities in Cabanillas.   For more than 10 years, our strategy has been connected to people and sustainability. Consequently, during the pandemic, efforts were focused on preventing the impact, through corporate training, together with our QUIRÓN prevention service, in a