Page 4 - EINF2022
P. 4
Letter from the Chaiman & CEO
Dear readers We are aware of the urgency to decarbonise the
As we have seen in these hectic times, the success emissions associated with our activities together with
of an organisation depends on the balance between energy consumption at our plants and sites. We will
the daily efforts of its people and a sound long-term implement a plan for this, to reduce emissions in the
strategy. Throughout its 25 years of existence, TW coming period.
Group has been characterised by its ability to attract We work using a systemic approach, emphasising
and develop the talent of its professionals and by its risk analysis, planned investment, the introduction
reliability towards customers and suppliers. of technological innovations and the training of our
professionals, prioritising information security.
Our high-performing teams lead in a demanding,
changing industry, where we need to be ahead of the In 2023, we will still be at the forefront of innovation,
curve rather than adapt to it. But what good would it implementing processes that lead to continuous
do to have great leaders if our company was not on improvement for our customers; we will continue
the road to success? to promote an inclusive environment; continue to
sustainably decarbonise our activities in line with our
In this context, sustainability is key for the TW Group.
value chain, incorporating social, environmental and
As this 2nd Non-Financial Information Statement governance criteria.
for our 2022 sustainability management shows,
our organisation has continued to evolve and We are therefore committed to strengthening
strengthen its commitment to sustainability, aligning sustainability agreements with our customers and
it to the Sustainable Development Goals with responding to our stakeholders, incorporating
specific, measurable goals that have a direct impact management indicators and KPIs and setting
challenges, such as measuring our carbon footprint.
on people, our customers’ experience and the
environment. In line with this, we plan to invest in new technologies
and automation, adding operational efficiency.
The focus of our investments is on technological
solutions, safety systems and international expansion, Our group is moving towards a better society and I
to implement logistics and automotive component am proud to say that all of those of us who are part of
production projects in the countries where our it contribute to this every day.
customers require them. Yours sincerely,
Carlos Llonis
TW Group Chaiman & CEO
Non-Financial Information Statement — 2022 TWGroup 4