Page 3 - EINF2022
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1. TWG and our business model                                      6-13      6. Commitments to human rights                                       51-52

               Products and Services Portfolio                                         7. Our environmental performance                                    53-64
               Where we are
               Our value proposition                                                        Environmental prevention and control
               Awards and Recognition                                                       Noise and light pollution
                                                                                            Waste water
          2. Our commitment to sustainability                               14-23           Waste management
                                                                                            Sustainable use of resources
               A sound strategy based on the long term
                                                                                            Biodiversity protection
               The importance of communicating to build trusting relationships              Environmental emergencies
               Materiality analysis
                                                                                            Environmental fines and penalties
                                                                                            Environmental Management Improvement Initiative and Training
          3. Good governance                                                24-31

               Our Governance Structure                                                8. Commitment to Sustainable Development                            65-68
               Our Policies and procedures
               Anti-Corruption, Bribery and Money Laundering                           9. Every customer, a world of its own                               69-72
               Action on data protection
                                                                                       10. Financial Information                                                73

          4. Risk management                                               32-40
                                                                                       Annex                                                               74-77
               Background risks
                                                                                       Verifications                                                           80

          5. TWG Professionals                                             41-50

               Training and Professional Development
               Occupational Health and Safety
               Social relations
               Equal opportunities and inclusion
               Work-life balance and organisation of work
               Environmental fines and penalties
               Compensation and benefits
                                                                                      index —
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