In order to respect the law and promote transparency and integrity, we apply a model of ethics and compliance based on the control, prevention and eradication of any irregular conduct. To this end, we have an Ethical Communication Channel which, among other principles, guarantees:

  • Confidentiality of the identity of the informant and of any third party.

  • Respect for current legislation on data protection and the secrecy of communications.

  • The commitment to the principles of whistleblower protection, so that TWG does not retaliate in any way against the whistleblower, encouraging and carrying out measures to avoid this type of actions.

In what cases should this channel be used?

This Ethics Reporting Channel may be used whenever the following violations of the provisions of our Code of Ethics are suspected or observed:

  • Corruption and money laundering.

  • Fraud, theft and bribery.

  • Violations of the stipulations contained in environmental laws or regulations.

  • Any kind of harassment.

  • Child labor, forced or compulsory labor, modern slavery.

  • Discrimination on the basis of any condition or circumstance (race, sex, ideology, nationality, language, religion, sexual orientation).

  • Violation of the dignity of persons through abuse of authority, offense or hostility.

  • Interference or limitation of collective rights of unionization, association and bargaining.

  • Breach of data protection.

  • Conflict of interest.

Cases that must go through other channels

  • If your complaint does not refer to the points mentioned in the preceding paragraph, please use the other reporting channels that are made available on this website (see contact).

  • In any case, if they are made through this channel, after a thorough review, your complaint will be forwarded to the relevant area (for example, Human Resources) for due investigation.

  • Your identity and information will be kept confidential.

Legal implications of sending a notification

  • The facts that are provided must be true. False denunciations and/or furthering rumors with the intent of harming a third party is completely prohibited.

  • If the complaint turns out to be false, TW Group may sanction the complainant in accordance with the provisions of its Code of Conduct or Internal Manuals. Furthermore, the false information could also constitute a criminal offense.

  • This protocol contains all the information in this regard. It is important that you read it before continuing.

Realizar una denuncia
