Page 67 - EINF2022
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          This has allowed us to have 4 trainees and 3
          In addition, we seek to generate real
          training opportunities and promote
          inclusive labour insertion through specific
          actions together with partner organisations
          such as the Public University of Navarre
          (UPNA), through the incorporation of 5
          interns for a period of 6 months. They have
          the opportunity to gain experience in the
          countries where we operate. These actions
          allow us to connect with students and
          graduates from different careers, showcase
          our value proposition and organisational
          culture. During 2022, we have had 5
          interns (3 in the USA and 2 in Germany)
          and another 2 who have joined our staff in
          Our relationship with the Community is             During 2022 Carlos Llonis also participated in the In-  delivery in sequence of components for Premium auto-
          also evidenced by our participation in             ternalisation Mentoring for Micro-SMEs organised by   motive brands, the opportunities for professional deve-
          events that promote dialogue between               the Chamber of Commerce of Navarre, which aims at   lopment in an international company that is 100% com-
          the private sector, such as the one that           the professional development of individuals and orga-  mitted to digitisation - based on social change - and
          took place last November at the conference         nisations through the support and accompaniment of   the challenges of our high-performance teams. These
          organised by the Asociación para el                people with extensive professional experience.     interactions and participations not only allow us to give
          Progreso de la Dirección (Association for
          Progress in Management)(APD), where our            During May, our TWA Quality Director participated in   visibility to our company and our way of managing, but
          president Carlos Llonis shared his vision of       the Employment Forum of the Chair for Engineering   also serve the purpose of making the expectations of
          the challenges of the future with relevant         and Business, organised by the Navarre Industrial   young people in the need for professionalisation viable,
          companies in Navarre and the challenges            Foundation, where he had the opportunity to explain   connecting their concerns with the reality of the labour
          that lie ahead.                                    TWA’s activity as a Tier 1 supplier in production and   market.

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