We believe in long-term strategy
For more than 25 years, our high-performance teams have been leading a demanding and changing industry in which we need to be ahead of the curve rather than adapting. But what good would it do to have great leaders if our society were not driven to succeed? In this context, sustainability is key for TW Group.
Corporate GovernanceHow we work
We work from a systemic approach with an emphasis on risk analysis, planned investment, the introduction of cutting-edge technology and the training of our employees, placing great importance on information security.
All of this, supported by the trust of our clients and the commitment of our professionals and suppliers, together with the motivation of our leaders, makes TW Group a company that never stops innovating, implementing processes that result in continuous improvement for our clients.
Towards a successful partnership
Sustainability and coherence
At TW Group, sustainability is reflected in the fulfilment of our values and purpose, through our management.
This creates value for our stakeholders wherever we operate.
A road we have travelled
Our history and our present are evidence of our commitment to the three areas of sustainability (Environmental, Social & Governance).
This is how we strengthen our responsibility and integrity on a daily basis.
Valores consolidados
SOLIDITY in the management of the group, FLEXIBILITY in adapting to the market and to new challenges, KNOWLEDGE and specialisation in the sector and RELIABILITY guaranteed by our clients.
Because of these values we are perceived as an industrial group of reference in the logistics and automotive sector.
What is not measured is not managed. What is not managed is not improved".
TW Group
Sustainability Committee
A committed team
To maximise the results of our sustainable management, we have created a Sustainability Committee made up of a multidisciplinary team that assesses and measures risks and plans our actions, aligned with our core business and our stakeholders.
Good governance- Contamos con vehículos 100% eléctricos como parte de nuestra flota.
- Fomentamos la instalación de placas fotovoltaicas en los tejados de las naves e instalamos puntos de recarga de vehículo para favorecer la movilidad eléctrica.
- Consumo eléctrico de energía 100% renovable en todas nuestras naves en España. Instalamos sensores con luces led en zonas estratégicas de almacenes.
- Realizamos estudios para implementar en la cadena de suministro contenedores retornables para reducir el uso de cartón.
- Nuestro departamento IT desarrolla software para optimizar el uso de papel y sistemas de optimización de rutas para ahorro de emisiones.
Gestión de residuos en cada pasillo y planta (1er premio en logística sostenible CEL). - Implementamos de forma continua medidas para mejorar la salud y ergonomía de nuestros profesionales; como sistemas de picking por voz.
- Colaboramos con asociaciones para incluir en el mercado laboral a colectivos desfavorecidos.
Formamos parte de la plataforma Lean&Green: la comunidad europea líder en logística sostenible. Nos dirigimos hacia la reducción del 20% de las emisiones de CO2, de logística de distribución, en un plazo de 5 años.
Apoyamos así el objetivo de Lean & Green -impulsada en España por AECOC– de generar una red de compañías líderes en logística sostenible, compartiendo conocimiento y experiencia para reducir emisiones.
ISO 9001
ISO 14001
ISO 45001
Plan de Igualdad de Género
Código de Conducta TW Group
Total TWG emissions year 2022 (TWL+TWA):
3,571 Tn CO2-eq
Scope I and II according to GHG Protocol.
Verified by EQA and registered with MITECO.